Review: Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch & NEW SPIDERMAN 2 TRAILER!!!!

Ugh, Junk Food Nation.  So much heavy stuff in the news, with the passing of Nelson Mandela, the whole debacle surrounding the Metro North train accident and the sleep allegations, the Paul Walker accident, etc. etc.  I can’t begin to discuss anything.  Instead, let’s do distraction today: SPIDERMAN 2 TRAILER!

Well, that doesn’t look TOTALLY awful. And that guy playing Harry Osborn is super creepy.  But Jamie Foxx as Electro?  I mean….I guess.  I actually like Jamie Foxx as an actor, so to see him as a weird, electrified villain?? I mean…what’s next, Paul Giamatti wearing a robotic Rhino costume??? BWahahaha….wait, that’s in this movie too???

Today’s junk food: Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch!

Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch

Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch: The Money Shot

So, I’ve loved Junior Mints for a while now – who doesn’t – and whenever I see them I am reminded of this Seinfeld Episode:

Wait…whaddya mean Seinfeld is an old man show??  SHUT IT.

Anyways, Junior Mints has this Peppermint Crunch variety out for their holiday season.  I mean, Junior Mints, WITH crunch?  How can these go wrong?

Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch

Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch

They apparently have “crunchy bits” added to the dark chocolate exterior.  Hooooooooooooo kay.  Crunchy bits? Not crushed candy cane or anything else distinguishable?  Crunchy bits??

Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch

Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch: Red speckles

When I opened this box of Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch, there was the familiar smell of chocolate and mint – nice and refreshing.  The mints themselves were decorated with tiny red specks.  I’m not sure what these are supposed to be. Me worried.

Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch

Junior Mints Peppermint Crunch

I popped a bunch of these in my mouth, and had a mix of emotions – both SQUEEEEEEEE and meh.

The SQUUUUEEEEE: These were plenty tasty, because they are JUNIOR MINTS!  Dark chocolate was soft and chewy and the minty inside was EVER SO ICY and full of peppermint flavor. Like a Peppermint Patty in soft M&M form.  Simply delightful.

The MEH: Well, these are somehow supposed to be different than regular Junior Mints, right?  The added crunchy bits, candy crunch?  Didn’t get it.  Don’t get me wrong – the texture of the chocolate did have a tiny bit of crunch and if I wanted, I could imagine they were little bitty mint chips in there, but if I was honest to myself, these were prob just sugar crystals.  I was REALLY wanted to bigger crunchy candy cane bits, but no luck.  So my complaint is that the “crunch” was sort of lacking.

So were these bad? Nope – they were delicious.  I’d eat them a million times over!  But were they special?  Not really. Fun box, but nothing really different.

See Candy Blog’s review here!


COST: $1 (sale)

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Let’s hang out.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 8 Comments

  1. Krystal says:

    The “Crunchy Bits” remind me of the red nonpareils found in Ghirardelli peppermint bark.. They don’t add to the candy.. but they don’t take away from the minty deliciousness either.

  2. Dubba says:

    hey, remember when they tried shoving three villians in one spiderman movie (#3) and it came out as a steaming pile of brown rainbow?

  3. Kenneth says:

    I personally love these. Ever since spotting them last year, I feel they’re a mandatory purchase every year. They add just a small bit to the traditional Junior Mints, but that’s enough to win me over.

  4. John C. says:

    Hey Junkfoodguy! Sorry to be out of touch so long- haven’t heard from you in a while, but…..your thoughts on the Yankees! Go!

    -John C.
