Review: Wegmans Dark Chocolate with White Peppermint & FULL-ON EATING SOUP IN THE BATHROOM
Junk Food Nation, I was prepared to come in today and talk about a bunch of things. Paul Walker’s death. The recent Doug Fister trade for the Washington Nationals. My love of the Washington Wizards of recent. Maybe even some politics (nope).
But that ALL got derailed by what happened to me this morning in my office bathroom. Look, I know I talk about my office bathroom a lot, but I can’t make this stuff up. As I walked into the bathroom this morning, I notice, on the sink counters, a full-on bowl of soup. A BOWL OF SOUP, PEOPLE. In the bathroom. And there was no one else IN the bathroom. Trust me, I glanced…nope, no legs in any stalls. Just a piping hot bowl of vegetable soup with a spoon in it sitting on a bathroom counter. Normal, right?
But then. THEN. I heard from outside the bathroom, “OK, see ya.” A man then walks into the bathroom, *picks up the soup, sticks a spoonful in his maw* AND WALKS STRAIGHT INTO A STALL, LOCKING THE DOOR. Well, needless to say, I did NOT stay around for the aftermath.
W.T.F. Besides the perfunctory “WHO DOES THAT??” my head also swirled with many other questions. First, he came BACK into the bathroom to get the soup. Meaning whoever this guy is came into the bathroom with the soup, had to step away from the soup to talk to someone or make a phone call, and thought, “Leave the soup in the bathroom? That sounds fine.”
Second, WHO THE HELL EATS SOUP WHILE SITTING ON THE CAN AT THE OFFICE?? I thought I’d seen it all – people snacking on apples in the bathroom, people using personalized Lysol…but a bowl of soup? How long do you expect to be in there, buddy?
And lastly, and perhaps more importantly, it was before 900am. Who is waking up and deciding that minestrone is what’s for breakfast? I’m disturbed by this last point perhaps more than anything else.
Comments, Junk Food Nation? Tell me below.
Today’s junk food: Wegmans Dark Chocolate with White Peppermint!
I’ve blogged about the wonderful Wegmans chocolate before, the only supermarket-brand chocolate bars I think I’ve ever seen, and recently they added a seasonal offering: Wegmans Dark Chocolate with White Peppermint. With so many Peppermint Barks being released by companies this holiday season, it only makes sense that Wegmans would want to jump on the pile. Let’s go through some pictures and get to it.
PS: The imagery on this wrapper is “winter snowflake” meets “Twilight.” At least that’s what it reminds me of.

Wegmans Dark Chocolate with White Peppermint: Bits of white candy peaking out from inside the chocolate
Because Wegmans Dark Chocolate with White Peppermint is 61% cacao, the chocolate was pretty dark. It was a tiny bit sweet, but mostly had a nice velvety taste to it. The key was the peppermint flavor. It was subtle at first, but with each bite, emerged more and more. The whole thing tasted like a dark chocolate Andes candy.
If I had any complaint, it’s that the finish was mostly dark chocolate – the minty brightness wasn’t there at the end. While eating, the mint/chocolate balance was pretty good. When swallowing, however, there was little minty freshness – it was all velvet chocolate.
The candy pieces provided a nice TINY bit of crunch, but not enough to make that much of a difference. Would’ve liked bigger candy pieces for sure, even though I realize this wasn’t quite meant to be a peppermint bark.
All in all, very good for $2. Nothing mindblowing; just good execution.
COST: $2
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Let’s hang out.
Junk Food Guy
Discuss - 14 Comments
The bathroom’s in our building are so disgusting most of the time that I don’t even want to go in to them to do what needs to be done. I get grossed out when I see someone cleaning a dish in there (what, no sink in the office kitchen?). I can’t even imagine bringing food into the bathroom, let alone eating it there. (But don’t judge on the pre-9 AM soup. He might be working an odd shift and this could be his “mid-day” or “evening” meal).
@Steve- true regarding the time of day. Still, it was surprising! But yes, I also get grossed out by people washing dishes in the bathroom
I’m not hungry anymore…… AND I HAVE SOUP FOR LUNCH (no kidding homemade soup I made last night)
then think about later, someone goes in “WHY DOES IT SMELL LIKE SOUP IN HERE?” yuck
yuck yuck yuck
and here I thought smelling perfume fumes was bad 🙂 guys are gross lol
@Jamie: LOL, sorry to gross you out. Imagine how *I* felt!
That is wrong on so many different levels I cannot even choose one. Steer clear of that guy when you see him.
@Kelly: Oh trust me, I do!
As gross and as weird as they are, I love these office bathroom stories.
@Devin: Lol, I aim to please 😉
No. Just no.
@Dana: We’re on the same page
Wrong place to leave your food, man! Period.
@Elisa: It’s like, JUST TAKE IT WITH YOU
When I read the headline, and even through most of the second paragraph, I read the whole thing as “eating soap in bathroom.”
Bowl of soap? I was going to think maybe it was the holidays and office buildings put bowls of mini soaps out (my semi-litterate brain was obviously doing cartwheels trying to put the word “soap” into this situation). Soap that looked like vegetables, clearly, I mean, my mother can’t have been the only novelty soap buyer in America – surely some of your readers have seen little carrot shaped soap? It wouldn’t be very festive (leftover thanksgiving soap?), but like I said, my mind was already stretching hard.
And to discover it was just soup? Disappointing.
@Shorneys: Carrot soap? Hmmmmmm