Review (x2!): New Pepperidge Farm Cheddar Bacon Goldfish Puffs, Salsa Con Queso Goldfish Puffs, & What Can Be Done to Fix Detroit?
Junk Food Nation, it’s Friday! Woo. Didn’t think I was going to make it. But at least I’m holding up better than Detroit, who yesterday filed for bankruptcy. Like, the whole city. Is broke. A city.
Wow. I suppose it wasn’t hard to see this coming from people living there, or for anyone who had been following Detroit’s political turmoil. But man, this is sad. Once the fourth most popular city, now with only approx. 700,000 people living in its limits?
So its a long road to recovery, and while I am not trying to open a debate here on Demo vs. Repub, on big government vs. small government, on slicing costs vs. city investment…the question I have is what is the FIRST thing that should be done? One of the biggest problems with Detroit, people from all political sides can agree, is that there just aren’t that many people LIVING there…even if you believe in lower taxes, the already low # of people just means tax revenue is THAT MUCH LOWER. Result? A withering city budget, with not enough money to pay for police, fire, good computers for city records, street lights, etc… basic infrastructure and safety.
So play Sim City God here for a moment: What is step #1? Is it to shore up police and fire, because people won’t want to move here long term if they feel its unsafe? Is it education, schools, and job training, to improve the overall employability of residents of Detroit to attract potential employers? Is it general infrastructure, like streets, lights, water, etc., to make the tourist environment more attractive? What is it?
Let me know in the comments below. Obviously, the answer would be ALL of these things…and others I haven’t named yet. But what would YOUR first step be? And it can’t be to amnesty Matt Stafford.
I know its kind of a heavy Friday topic…but why not? I’m curious about what you think, Nation.
Today’s junk food: New Pepperidge Farm Cheddar Bacon Goldfish Puffs and Salsa Con Queso Goldfish Puffs!
I bought these rather big bags of the New Pepperidge Farm Cheddar Bacon Goldfish Puffs and the new Salsa Con Queso Goldfish Puffs at Walmart. If you’ve been reading my blog, I reviewed the Buffalo Wing and Mega Cheese flavors here and here. Might as well finish off the flavor line, right? You can read more about my spiel about how these are designed to challenge Cheetos, yada yada, etc. in those other posts. You just want to know how it tastes, right? Me too.
First up: New Pepperidge Farm Cheddar Bacon Goldfish Puffs!

New Pepperidge Farm Cheddar Bacon Goldfish Puffs: Pretty blatant as to what the flavors are…but why are they shuttering???
We interrupt this photo strip to say WOW. Mom, Dad, do NOT do this to your kids.
When I opened this bag of New Pepperidge Farm Cheddar Bacon Goldfish Puffs, I have to admit, it was a little funky. Not bad smelling…but there was a definite oddly pungent cheese and bacon smell coming from the bag. It was a little artificial smelling.
However, I must say, when I chomped on these Puffs, I immediately smiled. I thought these were really good – the first taste was an immediate cheddar flavor. Crunchy, light and cheesy, these reminded me of all the other cheese puffs I’d ever had. That same cheese flavor then morphed into a smoky savory pork flavor. The taste of bacon wasn’t spot on, but there was enough pork-iness to give the impression without overpowering.
The cheesy air that filled my mouth as I chewed was really pleasing, and reminded me a LOT of Herr’s Bacon Cheddar Cheese Curls. It also had a nice lingering smoky aftertaste. Thumbs up!
Next up: New Pepperidge Farm Salsa Con Queso Goldfish Puffs!

New Pepperidge Farm Salsa Con Queso Goldfish Puffs: STOP SHAKING THE BOWL ALL THE QUESO IS COMING OUT

New Pepperidge Farm Salsa Con Queso Goldfish Puffs: Um, where’s my French translation, Pepperidge Farms?

New Pepperidge Farm Salsa Con Queso Goldfish Puffs: dehydrated green peppers make the world go ’round
These New Pepperidge Farm Salsa Con Queso Goldfish Puffs were good, but I didn’t like them as much as the Cheddar Bacon variety. The cheesy bites I munched on were very cheddar-y to begin with, and immediately took a turn toward the tomato-green pepper flavor. Which isn’t bad, per se – the flavor became very tangy, very bright. I guess my problem was the cheese wasn’t enough to help smooth out the vegetable flavor – all of it just became really tangy, and I swear I also detected some lime citrus in there too.
When I dip chips into queso and salsa mix, I expect the tang, but I also want some general creaminess from the cheese. I just didn’t feel like it was enough here. The flavor, again, was not bad – there was plenty to like about these Puffs – but I wouldn’t like more creamy cheese flavor, as well as maybe some more jalapeno kick. Nice garlicky aftertaste though.
Between all four Goldfish Puff flavors, I’d rank them: (1) Cheddar Bacon, (2) Mega Cheese, (3) Salsa Con Queso, (4) Buffalo Wing.
COST: $2.68 on sale
Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s do this.
Sincerely, Junk Food Guy
Discuss - 11 Comments
Well, the first thing I’d do in Detroit would be to declare bankruptcy and get out from under debt obligations incurred while the city expected to be twice its current population. Given that’s already happened, the next thing I would do would be to focus on specific areas of the city and encourage residents to concentrate their population there. Detroit can’t compete with the suburbs on being a suburb; it has to offer a unique urban exprience. If you concentrate on providing services in a specific area – perhaps even offering relocation assistance to people who live in sparsely populated areas where it’s less feasible to provide intense services – you can provide a livable experience that can attract growth.
Easier said than done!
I should mention that Mayor Bing is already trying to do this. There’s no other way to go. But it will be a slog, and at most partially successful.
@Lindemann: “Detroit can’t compete with the suburbs on being a suburb; it has to offer a unique urban exprience.” Such a good point
“but why are they shuttering” Look to the right. The big, freaky puffed goldfish just pounded down on the table they’re on. Sort of clever, actually.
Detroit? Get some manufacturing in there to get people working…maybe some car plants…
Put Barry Sanders in charge, who in Detroit is going to say no to him?
@Dana: Ah, the pounded goldfish – such a good read. Didn’t catch that
There was a city (it wasn’t a household name) in CA that had to declare bankruptcy 2 or so years ago.
@Elisa: yeah, I think a southern city did it too.
In Megatron we trust.
@Nick: Both the WR AND the robot, lol
I honestly have no idea where they would start. I do know I visited Detroit around 12 years ago. I found myself shocked, depressed and wondering how on earth human beings lived there without suffering the same. I guess on that notion, Detroit needed to be cleaned up and made more habitable years ago. One of the main things I recall was driving into it, on the same road that the Jeep corporation was on, there was so much debris, literally piles of concrete and trash from the highway, on the shoulder, that if you had to make an emergency stop, you would have to plow into it at about 50 just to get in, and no safety promised. The whole place looked like a post-apocalyptic city. It needed some TLC years ago.
@Janel: Too true. It makes the river walkway near where you can look into Windsor even more creepy. That area is sparkling and new while the rest of the city is falling apart. Ugh