In Stores Now & Peeps Gettin’ Hitched / What Happened Yesterday

Junk Food Nation, a rare Saturday blog post!  Well, rare in that I used to do these all the time.  Now I just sleep in watching reruns of Sportscenter.  Wait, I used to do that too.  Nevermind.

Today I am going to my friends’ wedding, Andrew and Sarah.  Congrats, future married spouses!  May your lives always be filled with Doritos and ice cream.  Mmmmm. Ice cream.

BTW, some people asked me what happened yesterday.  To make a long story short, I basically had an entire blog post on a certain product ready to go, and went to their product website to obtain some background info….when I found out their entire line had been part of a food recall!!!! And STILL had not been re-released yet.  Ewwwww….and I ate most of the item too!  Luckily I feel fine, but still.  That’ll teach me to not hoard this stuff and review items that are like a year old.  Sigh.

Anyways, just a quick “In Stores Now” today:

In Stores Now


Yeah, some of this stuff isn’t really THAT new, but it’s new to me in that I hadn’t seen it before.  Like this Jell-O Temptations, Strawberry Cheesecake, at Target.  Why do puddings feel the need to try to replicate desserts?  It’s never gonna be the same, and here you have some weird strawberry goo on top of a creamy pudding?  Freaky…this will NEVER tempt me.

In Stores Now


Whoa, I got a little carried away with the watermarks in this one.  But anyways, here, this is a Jell-O brand chocolate mousse in a pudding cup.  Has anyone had these, are they like the Dannon Yogurt WHIPS?  If so, it’s like you’re paying for 50% air.

In Stores Now

@Giant Food

Breyers seems a bit late to the game on this one, as Edy’s had this flavor at least as early as last year, and I’m pretty sure even earlier…

In Stores Now

@Giant Food

This one too

In Stores Now

@Giant Food

Chocolate light ice cream with M&Ms??  If you’re gonna load the ice cream FULL OF CANDY, why bother making it light ice cream, folks?  Just give me the whole fat and let me shiver in diabetic shock in peace…

In Stores Now

@Giant Food

I don’t understand the fascination with Angry Birds still (I mean, seriously?  Are we still trying to destroy wooden structures with a slingshot for hours and hours?)  And I’m even more surprised that this silly game has gotten cross entertainment appeal!  This video sums up the variety of Angry Birds merchandise out there:

Our society has clearly gone crazy.   I mean, did this Angry Birds Fruit Gummies really need their own separate display???

In Stores Now

@Giant Food

I think not.  But that wasn’t the only Angry Birds stuff I saw recently:

In Stores Now


Angry Birds in Space Compact First Aid Kit??  For some reason, if I get a huge gash on my forehead, I’m going to trust the folks at Johnson & Johnson and Neosporin… NOT ROVIO ENTERTAINMENT.  Silly me.  Get that weird space piggy reusable cold pack away from me.

Thoughts? Please comment below or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s hang.


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 11 Comments

  1. Being that I’m one of the world’s biggest JELL-O freaks, I’ve actually had both of those and reviewed them both on my blog. Here’s the reviews if you are interested:

    Strawberry Cheesecake

    Chocolate Indulgence Mousse Temptations

    • junkfoodguy says:

      @Indpls Eater: Well, I stand corrected! Though the mousse still weirds me out, I now HAVE to try that Strawberry Cheesecake one! Great reviews – thanks for letting me know!

  2. Those Strawberry Cheesecake Jello Temptations are at the 99 Cent Only store ALL THE TIME. I had them once – they’re good – even better when you semi-freeze them…

  3. Nick Rovo says:

    Dubba has reviews for all of those Blasts! flavors
    Edy’s and the girl scouts ended their partnership this year after going back into the early 2000s. Now that opened the door for the Breyer’s partnership. Not sure if you’ve seen but Edy’s now makes the same flavors but with a different name and “knock off” versions of girl scout cookies.
    And this concludes your ice cream news for the day.

  4. Dubba says:

    Breyers took over the girl scout branding from Edy’s this year, though Edy’s still makes their own versions (that are much tastier).

    Will you think less of me knowing I’ve purchased those Angry Bird Gummies?

  5. Heidi says:

    Musta been a Farm Rich product review?

  6. Dubba says:

    I’ve bought them a few times and often the gummies are stale despite being no where near their use by date. Places would buy them as a joke and then leave them sitting out forever. If fresh, they ain’t bad.
