So Long, Junk Food Nation, for the Rest of 2012!

Junk Food Nation, I’m off!  Like I stated yesterday, I’ll be off and on this blog, maybe, between now and when I return in ten days.  My batteries could use a little recharge… but if I find something interesting to share (and have the capabilities to do so) I’ll try to post something here.

So Long, USA, for the Rest of 2012!

Buh bye

Until then, thank you for being such good supporters in 2012.  This blog grew in readership exponentially, and I think the best is still to come.

If you want to follow along with my Mexican adventure, follow me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and follow me there. If I can, I’ll be Instagramming my ass off.  Let’s hang.

An early Happy New Year, Junk Food Nation!


Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 10 Comments

  1. Will says:

    Have a great time man!

  2. Hope you have a brilliant time in Mexico, enjoy!

  3. Nathaniel says:

    what resort are you staying in in mexico? been there a bunch of times

  4. Shorneys says:

    I hope you don’t get the runs.

  5. Chip Review says:

    Happy New Year Guy!!
    We hope Meh-he-ko treats you well!
