Review: Kettle Brand Limited Batch Jalapeno Jack Potato Chips & Hostess with the Mostess is No Longer the Mostess
Junk Food Nation, here we go again. A while back, I discussed how Hostess, the lovable maker of Twinkies, was going out of business and filing for bankruptcy. They’ve been operating in bankruptcy format for a bit now, and just recently, as in the last 24 hours, news has broke that they are now closing shop because their workers are on strike. The Hostess empire is now officially up for grabs.
I blame Hostess making crap like this – chocolate creme filled Twinkies are an abomination. But seriously, who knew Hostess had actual bakers that made these cakes, and that they just weren’t squeezed out of a tube or something.
So where do we go from here? Last time, I made jokes that McDonalds or another company would buy Hostess and make it their own, but honestly, I hope a legit pastry company buys up the Twinkie brand and makes them better. What say you, Entenmann’s? I think you can take this whole Twinkie thing to a whole new level.
Of course, this presume that a company like Entenmann’s is doing well. Honestly, is ANY pastry company out there just DOMINATING the industry, just CRUSHING it? Are people in the pastry business just rolling in it, tossing cash from windows? I mean, it’s pastries, it’s not XBox Games. Halo 4 grossed $220 million dollars in ONE DAY – you think an exec over at Hostess isn’t seeing those numbers and thinking, “EFF…. we are in the WRONG business.”
Today’s junk food: Kettle Brand Limited Batch Jalapeno Jack Potato Chips!
Kettle Brand Limited Batch Jalapeno Jack Potato Chips are the fourth and final installment of the Kettle Limited Batch chips that have recently been released. I’ve previously reviewed the Red Chili, the Cheddar Beer, and the Salsa Mesquite flavors…and here we are at Jalapeno Jack. I’ve discussed the reason for the return of old flavors ad nauseam…let’s just zoom through and SEE HOW THESE TASTE!

Kettle Brand Limited Batch Jalapeno Jack Potato Chips: “No Jack, it’s NOT ALL ABOUT YOU. SAWYER!!!!”
According to the press release, “Originally debuted in 1989, this flavor not only has a visual resemblance to a slice of Pepper Jack cheese, but has the same creamy, salty Jack cheese base mixed with the spice of red and green peppers and a strong jalapeño flavor.”

Kettle Brand Limited Batch Jalapeno Jack Potato Chips: Cheddar cheese powder before Monterey jack cheese powder? Hmmmmm
Kettle Brand Limited Batch Jalapeno Jack Potato Chips might be my favorite of all four I’ve tried so far. Well, no, I think I liked the Cheddar Beer the most. But these were a VERY close second!
Upon first chew, these tasted cheesy and creamy – I didn’t really think it tasted like jack cheese, personally, but more like a mild cheddar cheese with some savory green/red pepper added to it. It sort of tasted like a cheesy sour cream, honestly. The burn then came – not intense, but definitely present after several chips. A nice peppery flavor, mixed with the creamy backdrop of the chip.
Then it hit me – this was sort of like a spicier version of some of my favorite chips, Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream Potato Chips! HOLY SMOKES, that’s EXACTLY what these tasted like. Also, strangely, I found that in a lot of ways they tasted like the Herr’s Ragin’ Ranch I had recently: just a solid, creamy tasting chip with some nice peppery taste and a decent burn.
Really good. REALLY REALLY GOOD. Thanks, Kettle, for four wonderful flavors!
See Chip Review’s review of all of the Limited Batch Kettle Brand Chips, including these, here!
PURCHASED AT: Safeway Grocery
COST: $3.99, on sale for $2.50
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Junk Food Guy
Discuss - 15 Comments
These are some really great chips!!! You know what, they do taste like Ruffles C&SC with some heat…
Weren’t these some colorful chips?!?
Thanks for the shouts! Have a good weekend! TGIF!!
@ChipReview: yeah, this whole promotion by Kettle was pretty damn good. I need to buy another Cheddar Beer bag before they run out
*sigh* I have yet to see a single bag of any of the flavors. Alas. Maybe some will show up at Ocean State Job Lot 6 months after they stop making them.
@Dana: Did you say there were no Whole Foods near you?
There aren’t any around Albany. But they’re going to be putting one in for like a 2014 open…in a Sears. They’re taking over the first floor of a Sears at a mall and turning it into a Whole Foods. Supermarkets are going nuts here, Shop Rite just showed up, Fresh Market, first Trader Joes this year, they’re putting in one of those WalMart neighborhood market things. Almost everything but Wegmans (for which people continually create rumors and whine).
@Dana: WHOA. That’s like when they take an IHOP and turn it into something else…but it still LOOKS like an IHOP.
@Dana, all the supermarket rumors in our area are crazy. I remember people freaking out every time someone would say trader joes was coming yet to find out it was just a lie. I’m just happy they finally opened one up to shut all those people up.
So once I heard the new about Hostess my mind ran rampet with marketing ideas so I hope you enjoy. “Hey Eric! Do you like junk food? Do you like making money? Well I have the perfect investing opportunity for you! You hear all those rich guys on tv saying that gold price are going up and I’m here to tell you they’re right. I’m not talking about those shiny hard bricks though, I’m talking about the fluffy soft golden snack cake the one and only twinkie. You might have heard that Hostess, the maker of the iconic treat, has gone bankrupt. While that might be bad news to them, it’s great news for you. Once these products are done being produced there will never be another one like it in existence. So what am I asking you to do exactly? Well I want you to go out to your nearest grocery store and buy every twinkie in sight. I can promise you your money will quadruple in at most 10 years. There’s many different opportunities for you to make money. Be in the possible nuclear apocalypse, the nostalgia or just the curious food bloggers who will purchase anything off of ebay. The decision is yours! It beats the rate the bank is offering you on that cd isn’t it? That’s what I thought, so stock up on twinkies today and you won’t regret it!” Okay that was a lot better in my head earlier but eh I still like it=p
@Nick: LOL! The idea of investing in Twinkies is pretty funny…If these become some kind of rare ebay item, then the world will have gone crazy. Retro Twinkie Week?
@JFG, the world has already gone crazy
@Nick: WHOA
Category = Chips 🙂
@ChipReview: haha, thanks for the catch! Corrected!
Buy em on Amazon! If not at local store
@Aaron: Whole foods too!