Tyrrell’s Sweet Chili & Red Pepper Potato Crisps & Open Letter Wednesday: 7-11 Free Slurpee Day & the All-Star Game
And now, Junk Food Nation, some open letters.
OPEN LETTER TO EVERYONE: Today is 7-11’s Free Slurpee Day. Because it’s July 11th, duh. Go to your nearest 7-11 and get your free 7.11 oz slurpee! The only part of this equation that doesn’t work is that they are only offering it from 11:00am to 7:00pm…wouldn’t it make much more sense to offer them from 7:00am to 11:00pm? But nooooooooo…apparently that’s too much time to be giving away FROZEN SUGAR WATER. Whatever.
OPEN LETTER TO CHIPPER JONES: Ah Larry. I used to loathe you. Back in the mid 90’s, when the Braves were at their height and I wanted the Yankees to beat you so bad, I cursed you. Hated you. Made fun of you as a cocky Southern yokel and vowed never to like you. But, seeing you in your 8th All Star Game, playing in your 19th season with the same team the whole time, and hearing your humble pre-game speech – I have to admit, I’ve softened. You’re an ok dude. And props for being a classy vet who managed to avoid media scandal for your career. I’m looking at YOU, Sammy Sosa.
OPEN LETTER TO MELKY CABRERA: Ah Melk Man. How I wish you were still in pinstripes. Traded for Javier Vazquez (yuck). Cut by the Braves. Traded from the Royals. You’ve emerged to be one of the best hitters in the NL, culminating with the MVP in the All Star Game last night. Your production (as well as that of your teammates’) made me realize last night “wait…maybe the Giants are IN this.” With SF only a half game back from LA…the Giants ARE in this. Lineup – solid. Defense – great. Rotation – awesome. Bullpen – amazing. Watch ’em 2nd half. If Lincecum can gain back his original stuff, they are dangerous.
OPEN LETTER TO MLB: Who the HELL is Luke Bryan???? I was waiting for some awful but recognizable pop star to come out and sing the National Anthem, and this guy I’ve never heard of comes out and sings the most boring Anthem I’d heard! Like, really boring. Someone on Twitter said “Luke Bryan sings the national anthem the way I used to take geometry tests.” Awesome. Apparently, he’s some semi-famous country singer. Riiiight. Clouding his performance is the implication that he read the lyrics off his HAND to not mess it up! Nice move, MLB. Nice move.
Today’s junk food: Tyrrell’s Sweet Chili & Red Pepper Potato Crisps!
I’d reviewed a Tyrrell’s product before, and I picked up these Tyrrell’s Sweet Chili & Red Pepper Potato Crisps also at the Fancy Food Show. Let’s get right to it:

Tyrrell’s Sweet Chili & Red Pepper Potato Crisps: Are these helmets or dunce caps? Either way, they don’t look very protective.

Tyrrell’s Sweet Chili & Red Pepper Potato Crisps: Sweet Chili & Red Pepper, but note these are not THAI chili or anything. High marks for the leaf as an apostrophe.

Tyrrell’s Sweet Chili & Red Pepper Potato Crisps: Potato variety = sassy? What the…these are made with sassy potatoes????
Tyrrell’s Sweet Chili & Red Pepper Potato Crisps were a standard Kettle Chip – not too greasy and crunched nicely. Like the previous variety I tried, these left virtually no oil on my fingers, and did not leave the bag greasy either.
The taste? They definitely had a sweet chili flavor – slightly sweet rounded out by a nice general savory flavor highlighted by the tomato, garlic and onion powders. These actually sort of had the same taste as their salt & pepper chips, just with a little more sweetness and a little more jalapeno and cayenne taste. These definitely were NOT SPICY despite having a TEENSY bit of aftertaste burn. The flavor wasn’t VERY strong, so if you’re looking for a flavored chip where you can still taste the potato, this is it. The flavor was IMO just right…not too much, not too little. Solid chip.
PURCHASED AT: Free at Fancy Food Show (but you can buy them at Whole Foods, and high end groceries, etc.)
COST: I have no idea (sorry) but I’m guessing standard price …~$3.00
Thoughts? Please comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at junkfoodguy@junkfoodguy.com. Let’s hang out.
Sincerely, Junk Food Guy
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I still hate Chipper. Just the fact that he calls himself Chipper is reason enough. The only Braves player from the 90s to today that I could tolerate was Greg Maddux. I have an inherent tendency to root for anyone who could be considered historically good or best in his generation. Jordan, Gretzky, Tiger, Federer, Bonds.
I like potato chips.
@SFChin: Vick?
Well, Vick I root for only because he’s an Eagle. Otherwise I’m sure I would vilify him like all my fellow veterinarians. Plus, I think he’s had a long enough career to prove that he doesn’t deserve to be mentioned among the all time greats. He may be the fastest QB ever, but that’s really only useful when your passing game has failed.
The Big Hurt – our favorite ever – hands down!
f you ever get the chance to try Tyrell’s – Honey Roast Ham & Cranberry chips, do so, we want to know how much you dislike them as well. http://wp.me/p2lDqr-6W
The Worcester Sauce & Sundried Tomato are good though.
Go American League!
@Chip Review: Yeah I gotta find those. I’m beginning to find I don’t like fruit accents in my chips, even if the aim IS savory/sweet
@Chip Review: Frank Thomas is a tough one, right? Certainly if you’re a White Sox fan, no question. But from a general perspective (especially an NL fan like me) mostly it’s about a five year stretch as good as anybody’s, followed by erratic years of injury and flashes of the old brilliance. The analogous career on the mound would have to be Pedro, yes? Ultimately I think it does count, but more in hindsight rather than actively rooting for a player you know to be of historic greatness.
They’re actually closer to $4, which is ridiculously for potato chips except that these are amazing.
@Angela: indeedums 🙂
These are quite nice, not had them for ages.