Paula Deen Collection BBQ Snack Mix, Sweet & Sassy Snack Mix, and How I Met Paula Deen
Junk Food Nation, I’m back. Did you miss me? It’s been so long. Well, it’s been one day. Yesterday was a stumbling block – I wanted to talk about the Hot Dog Eating Contest again, I wanted to talk about fireworks, and the 4th of July, etc., but no. Stupid storm wiping through DC, taking out power and internet everywhere. Boo. Well, I got back my cable connection yesterday around 6pm, and basically kissed the ground where my cable modem was. One day unplugged was…well, it was kind of nice. I went shopping, saw the new Spiderman (Andrew Garfield > Tobey Maguire), and celebrated the 4th peacefully. But I missed you, Nation. Ever so much.
Since I didn’t get a chance to speak about my patriotism yesterday, I figured that I’d take the opportunity to discuss some America today – and there aren’t too many things out there more American than Paula Deen. And I got to meet her. Seriously! Check it out:
Yep, that’s me and the Deen. This all happened because my friend Dan, an exec with a very large corporation, was in DC being wined and dined by a client who happened to also be working with Paula Deen on a promotion. They were at Nats Park to advertise the promotion and Dan was invited to attend, and I got to tag along.
We walked out onto the field and suddenly, there she was – Paula Deen, in all her Southern Glory, set to throw out the first pitch of the game and get interviewed. We shook hands, I said two words, “Big fan,” and we stopped for a photo opp, and then we were quickly ushered away. Two minutes with celebrity.
Paula Deen was VERY nice (why wouldn’t she be? She’s a gazillionaire) and seemed genuinely happy to be there. The one thing I remember that I thought was funny was the small posse that walked behind her, including one dude who was literally carrying 8-9 Louis Vuitton bags. He was like a cartoon character, with so many LV bags we seemed like he might fall over. I guess even Paula Deen needs her bags with her at all times.
I thought today’s junk food was appropriate: Paula Deen Collection BBQ Snack Mix and her Sweet & Sassy Snack Mix!
Paula Deen Collection BBQ Snack Mix was given to me by my friend Melissa, who knew I’d met Paula Deen, and I picked up her Sweet & Sassy Snack Mix at TJ Maxx, of all places. I guess Maxxinistas like Snack Mix too.
I had no idea Paula Deen made snack mix. She sells these products and more on her website. Calling them part of the Paula Deen collection seems funny – I can understand pots and pans, maybe a cookbook…but snack mix? Would this be any different than Chex Mix?
I dunno, but there’s only one way to find out. Let’s get right into it.

Paula Deen Collection BBQ Snack Mix: WHOA this is a lot of ingredients. Ingredient #1: Honey Nut Squares? Weird.
Paula Deen Collection BBQ Snack Mix had standard snack mix crunch and feel. The flavor was DEFINITELY smoky with BBQ flavor. Here’s the thing though – the snack mix was SWEET. That caught me off guard – as you chew and your mouth is filled with a smoky BBQ flavor, the honey nut squares and the other sweetened bits like the toffee peanuts and the sesame sticks give off a nice sweet flavors. The whole thing tastes like carbs coated in delightful honey BBQ sauce. I have to admit I was PERPLEXED as I ate this. My final thought was: REALLY good! An ultimate sweet and savory snack mix. Hat tip, Ms. Deen.

Paula Deen Collection Sweet & Sassy Snack Mix: slightly less sodium and less sugar than the other variety…same calories

Paula Deen Collection Sweet & Sassy Snack Mix: Ingredient 1: Toffee Peanuts? Er….very unlike Chex Mix
Paula Deen Collection Sweet & Sassy Snack Mix also had standard feel and crunch – and it was even SWEETER than the BBQ mix! What is going on here??? NONE of this tastes like normal Chex Mix – Ms. Deen has gone the whole sweet and savory route, and is knocking it out of the park. This mix, named Sweet and Sassy, basically is a really sweet mix and as you chew the savory kick of cayenne flavor comes through. Not spicy, per se – just that peppery kick provides a really interesting contrast to the very sweet bits. Its like salt on caramel – it makes the sweet taste REALLY interesting. I liked this a lot too.
So there you have it! I met Paula Deen and now I’ve eaten her snack mixes. A solid A to both; if you are the type who likes sweet and savory, you’ll like these a LOT.
PURCHASED AT: TJ Maxx and given by a friend
COST: $3
Thoughts? Please comment below (I always reply) or hit me up on Twitter @junkfoodguy or LIKE my Facebook Page and message me there. Also, you can always email me at Let’s hang out.
Sincerely, Junk Food Guy
Discuss - 7 Comments
Paula is looking hott.
Victoza will do that for you!
@Jess and Rod: and this was WAY BEFORE all that health stuff came out! I think this might’ve been back in 2010…
Food products at TJ Maxx are so funny to me – they look gourmet, and yet you’re thinking, “Where did this come from???”
I love the story about the guy carrying the LV bags – too funny!
@Teresapalooza: Yeah, lol
I got a bog of this at Marshall’s for $2.99 and it was awesome. Loved it. Now I can’t bring myself to order it on line at full price. It’s not worth 4.49
@Susan: yeah, better off trying to find it at a discount store 🙂