Review: Ruffles Ultimate Sweet & Smokin’ BBQ & RIP Chuck Brown
Amidst so many musician-related deaths (Whitney, Donna Summer, MCA), DC locally lost a legend – Chuck Brown. He was the Godfather of Go-Go, a percussion heavy funk music style that developed in the District during the mid-60’s to late 70’s. And Chuck Brown was at the forefront of it.
His music is still sampled today. Listen to this:
Recognize that beat? Recognize the hook at 1:40? No? Maybe this’ll jog your memory:
Sound familiar, especially at 1:00? And this is just one example of sampling of the Godfather of Go-Go’s music. (Incidentally, Nelly, where have you disappeared to? You still rockin’ that band-aid somewhere?)
Anyways, RIP Chuck Brown. DC misses you already.
Today’s junk food: Ruffles Ultimate Sweet & Smokin’ BBQ Potato Chips!

Ruffles Ultimate Sweet & Smokin’ BBQ: Chipotle Peppers and a bowl of something (brown sugar?) in the background.

Ruffles Ultimate Sweet & Smokin’ BBQ: The Answer? Beef and Cheddar Dip and Smokehouse Bacon Dip. The question, Alex, is what will kill you slowly and deliciously?
Purchased at the Walmart SuperCenter, the same place I found the Rainbow “Shure Bert” Oreos in, these Ruffles Ultimate Sweet & Smokin’ BBQ chips were like the Kickin’ Jalapeno Ranch Ruffles I tried yesterday – thick and coarse.
The chip had thick and deep ridges, and were larger than normal sized potato chips. Like yesterday, I really could only fit one chip into my mouth at once. Which is crazy, because I have a big friggin mouth. But I digress – these seemed even CRUNCHIER than the Kickin’ Jalapeno Ranch variety, which I’m sure was just a mental illusion.
Flavor-wise, I gotta be honest – nothing special. If you like BBQ chips, these were tasty and sweet, with a little bit of heat. But otherwise, these were standard BBQ flavor – nothing more smoky than normal (at least to me) and not crazy spicy – just a little heat. Pretty standard flavor, on a bigger chip.
I’m not crazy about BBQ chips, so I’d prob pass on these in the future, but if you like BBQ flavored things, I think you’ll like these.
Thoughts? Hit me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.
Sincerely, Junk Food Guy
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This is the sister product to the Doritos Jacked chips, I’m guessing. Can’t wait for the jumbo Cheetos to come out! 🙂
(Side note – remember when they made Cheetos shaped like the tiger’s paw? Those are set for a comeback, I think…)
@Teresapalooza: JUMBO Cheetos! Love it. The size of a hot dog.