As Seen in Ireland, Pt. 2 – Fridge/Frozen Food Edition

Junk Food Nation, let’s revisit some things I saw in Ireland but didn’t buy, shall we? Today I’ll focus on things I saw in the freezer aisle or just in the refrigerated section.  Some of these are funny, and some are just novelty, but all require commentary.

Making double into Dough-ble...soooort of a stretch

Evidence that Ben and Jerry’s releases different flavors abroad than they do in the US.  Either that and this is some outdated 2010 flavor that is only now reaching the British Isles.  I swear, Ireland was a couple weeks ahead of us in terms of movies, but two years behind us in terms of TV.  They were just getting the Season Premiere of New Girl.

PS: This ice cream description is awesome, and makes me believe that at the center of the entire ice cream tub is some kind of large core of soft fudge.  Amazing. I should’ve bought this.

Coconut Ice Cream? Need.

Coconutterly Fair is another such flavor.  As a lover of coconut, we need this flavor in the US now, please! And a coconut bouncing off the head of a dazed cow?  Genius!

BTW, what is the reference in the name of this ice cream? Come on, you etymology experts, help me out.

Fruit of the Forest, eh?

Got this at breakfast in my hotel. In the United States, this would be called Mixed Berry. Calling it Forest Fruits makes this feel like its Yogurt from the Lord of the Rings or Hunger Games or something.

So specific!

I’ve never seen the TYPE of apple specified on a product before.  But this is a good thing, maybe – in the US things would be generically called “apple,” but since Bramley Apples are indigenous to the British Isles, they’re showing some home country pride.  I dig.

Pink-boxed microwave Indian food, in the same breath as...

...Filo Prawns and Mini Sugared Donuts???

Dunnes was the name of the grocery store I found many of these items in, and their store-brand line of frozen/fridge foods was very interesting.  First, I think the party pink boxes are chuckle-worthy. Next, such a random variety of items – from Indian food to Filo-wrapped shrimp to mini sugar donuts.  And finally, the suggestion that serving all these food items at once creates a Perfect Party?  I love it.

Ah, yes. Is that salsa on the burger?

BIG EAT indeed.  Nothing wrong with just putting it out there.  Big Al’s Big Eat…but 6 oz???? That’s hilarious.  In the US, a 1 lb. burger is SORT OF a big eat.  6 oz? Less than 1/2 lb.?  Psssh-shaw.

Unsure if this is offensive

I was just confused by this. What ARE Mexican Wedges? In all the Mexican restaurants I’ve eaten at, I don’t ever remember getting a side of potato wedges.  And more than that…are the cacti in the background representative of the Mexican horizon?  Hmmmm.

This IS a happy mix

Nothing like a medley box of ice cream treats!  Happy Mix is just that – full of mini versions of all your favorite and well known ice cream brands!  Magnum!  And….er…Cornetto?  …..Twister? Mini Milk?  I’ve never heard of these brands; what the heck is going on here??

Funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?

Goodfella’s Frozen Pizza.  This HAS to be good, right? Except Goodfella’s took place in NYC, not Chicago, so the deep bake is wrong, but I’m being persnickety. I like how the tagline is “The Italian Way.”  I wonder if the developers of this pizza ever watched the movie, for reals.

And we thought the bologna with the olives was bad

Nothing like processed meat and vegetables sliced compressed into a loaf and sliced thin for sandwiches. I was curious how this tasted…sort of.

Luvvly Jubbly indeed!

This treat I liked just because it seemed so fun to say in Harry Potter-voice.  “Jubbly Ice Lollies!  Luvvly jubbly!” How cheerful!  If I ever get a pug, he’s going to be named Jubbly.

Not sure what the lion is for

Another fun sounding snack. “Wibbly Wibbly Wonder!” Ignoring the random lion cartoon, I was struck by this treat’s boast of a “Yummy Lemon Jelly Centre.” At the center of an ice cream bar??? That’s something I should’ve tried!

Most unhealthy brunch ever.

When I think brunch, I think eggs benedict, waffles, and…the strawberry ice cream bar covered in cookie crumbs.

I guess if you eat five of these...

FEAST. Bold statement for a chocolate ice cream bar covered in chocolate and rice krispies. If I ever own an ice cream company, I’m going to name things like BRUNCH and FEAST. My vanilla line will be called BANQUET and my popsicle line will be called BUFFET.'s just ice cream

I have to say, I actually LOVE calling ice cream sandwiches Icebergers.  It’s no weirder than calling them ice cream sandwiches, frankly. From now on, that’s the term I’m using, and I encourage everyone out there to do the same.  “Oh, I can’t wait to finish this cheeseburger so I can eat my Iceberger.”

Of course, spelling it Berger makes it sound Austrian. And I’m pretty sure they didn’t have these in the Sound of Music.

Thoughts? Hit me in the comments below or hit me on Twitter @junkfoodguy or on my Facebook Page.

Sincerely, Junk Food Guy

Discuss - 7 Comments

  1. Luvvly jubbly!!! I LOVE THESE PICS! Though I’ve said it before, I’m sure Irish folk come to the US and have a good laugh at our product names. “Fritos? Grape Nuts? These Americans are grape nuts…”

  2. Albany Dana says:

    There’s a UK snack food site ( where you’ll get a snippet of what this is about. Basically it’s just supposed to be ‘utterly fair trade’. And there’s a little coconut flavor.

  3. Dubba says:

    Cool pictures! Makes me think I need some international reviewers on my site
